Bank of Singapore
Bank of Singapore

Headquarter | Singapore, Singapore |
Key People | – |
Head Office | 63 Market Street, #22-00 Bank of Singapore Centre, Singapore 048942 |
Phone | +65 6559 8000 |
Official Site | |
Founded | 2010 |
ID: 682122 Updated: 29.04.2020
Disclaimer | The information contained in this website is not meant to substitute qualified legal advice given by a specialist knowing your particular situation. We do not warrant or guarantee that the site will be up-to-date accurate, complete or continuous at all times. The bank directory is published solely as a courtesy. We assume no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the directory.
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(2) The Minister is authorized to provide, in respect of a practitioner of medicine who made a medical declaration that formed the basis for the issuance of an authorization to possess under the former Marihuana Medical Access Regulations, the following information to the provincial professional licensing authority that is responsible for the registration or authorization of persons to practise medicine in the province identified in the declaration as the province in which the practitioner is authorized to practise: Emblem Cannabis No. You can only use your card in the state where you are certified. However, if you visit a state with a reciprocal medical marijuana agreement, you can register for a temporary card in that state. You may need to provide your existing medical marijuana card and physician’s certification to apply for your temporary card. The study was conducted over ten days in May 2021, and surveyed 1,047 people across Canada, in both English and French. While not perfectly random, a typical randomized survey of this size 19 of 20 times would be accurate to about В±3%. For more information see the CMPA articles “Writing with care”9 and “When to disclose confidential information.”10 For the first time, rates of overall consumption were comparable by gender in 2020, with about one in five men and women each reporting having used cannabis in the past three months. According to the NCS, dried flower and leaf remains the most popular product (71% of consumers reported having used this product in the past three months), and smoking remains the most common method of consumption (58% identified this method as the one they used most often), although both are in decline. By contrast, use of edibles is rising among cannabis consumers (41% by the fourth quarter of 2020 compared with less than one-third in 2019 and 2018).