Article of Bankers
Why communication is important for banks? Describe the important functions where communication plays key role in a bank.
Why communication is important for banks? Describe the important functions where communication plays key role in a bank. Answer: Communication in the banking industry includes exchanging information, ideas, and knowledge within and outside the financial institution. Effective banking communication improves relationships among customers, stakeholders, managers, employees, and employers. Communication in the banking industry [...]
What are the four fundamental functions of verbal communication?
What are the four fundamental functions of verbal communication? Answer: Verbal communication is the use of words to share information with other people. Verbal communication involves listening, speaking, writing and reading. Listening: The most important part of verbal communication is to listen actively to properly understand the messages of the speaker and to reciprocate effectively [...]
Module of Business Communication in Financial Institutions (BCFI)
Module A: Theory and Process of Communication Meaning and Importance of Communication, Business and Banking Communication. Principles of Business Communication, Process of Effective Communication (Model), Factors affecting Communication, Ethics in Communication. Module B: Classification and Methods of Communication Major types of communication: Verbal, Non-Verbal and Visual. Other types of Communication: Downward, Upward, Horizontal, External, [...]
What do you mean by professionalism? Describe the elements of professionalism in brief.
What do you mean by professionalism? Describe the elements of professionalism in brief. Answer: Professionalism: Professionalism does not mean wearing a suit or carrying a briefcase; rather, it means conducting oneself with responsibility, integrity, accountability, and excellence. It means communicating effectively and appropriately and always finding a way to be productive. The elements of [...]
What are the steps of effective business communication? Describe each step very briefly.
What are the steps of effective business communication? Describe each step very briefly. Answer: Effective communication is a key factor of an organization. We can follow the following steps for achieving an effective business communication. Provide useful information: Provide the recipients practical information so that the information may lead to solution of a particular [...]
Payment System Oversight/Applications/Objectives/SWIFT/POS/Debit Card/Advantages!
Payment System Oversight/Applications/Objectives: Collects onsite and off-site data from systems and participants regarding day to day operation, financial flow and transaction pattern, risk exposures, risk management procedures and practices, back-up and business continuity plan, disruptions and disputes etc for Checks compliance of systems and participants with applicable rules and regulations & identifies the gap and [...]
Module of Money and Monetary System!
Module of Money and Monetary System! Module-A: Money and Monetary System: Concept and Functions of Money; Kinds of money; Demand for Money; Measures of money supply: narrow money and broad money; Constituents of Monetary System: Central Bank and Commercial Banks. Creation of Money by Commercial Banks. Module-B: Payment System Concept, Different payment options, Pros [...]
Determinants of Money Supply!
Measures of Money Supply! Measure of money must note in the following two things- First- The supply of money refers to its stock at any point of Determinants of Money Supply! The main determinant of money supply are- The Required Reserve Ratio (CRR, SLR) The Level of Bank Reserves (AD Ratio) Public’s Desire to Hold [...]
Measures of Money Supply!
Measures of Money Supply! Measure of money must note in the following two things- First- The supply of money refers to its stock at any point of time. Money is stock variable in contrast with a flow variable. It is the change in the stock of money per year which is a flow. Second- The [...]